I don't use it in production anymore now that flexbox is well-supported, but it's still a good exploration of how vertical align works. Here's a neat trick that uses vertical align.

Understanding vertical-align, or "How (Not) To Vertically Center Content".Vertical-Align: All You Need To Know (CSS).References & further reading for vertical-align: Unless you're using it in a table, vertical align changes items' behavior relative to each other, rather than with respect to their parent element. Use this for vertically aligning text, images, icons, or other things that display "in line" with each other horizontally. It's speculated that the vertical-align property was created specifically to emulate the behavior of this attribute. hopefully), you might remember the valign attribute on table cells. If you remember the days of table-based layout (way, waaaay back. Block elements can, however, have children inherit their vertical-align property it's not strictly invalid, just useless for positioning. Since block level elements cannot have an in-flow sibling on the same line as them, they will not be aligned. Vertical-align is not an all-purpose way to align everything. "wait, vertical-align didn't work for me! Why are you telling lies?", look into your element's display property. ⚠️ Vertical-align does not align block elements. Here's a sample table to play around with: Vertical align also works on tables (as well as elements with display set to table-cell). When using vertical-align on inline or inline-block elements, the alignment is relative to sibling elements in a horizontal line, rather than the parent element. You can align anything that can flow horizontally, as long as it has a valid display property set. If you're applying vertical-align to display: inline or display: inline-block elements, then you will be able to align them with each other. In the sample below, I have highlighted some key plant-related phrases the buttons toggle the vertical align property of these highlights. References & further reading for text-align:Īs you might have guessed by the name, the purpose of vertical-align is to align text vertically. These vary widely in support as of the authoring date (Aug 2019), as they are currently still editor's drafts in terms of specification - so make sure to check compatibility tables before using anything fancy. There are more options coming soon - for example, start and end, which depend on the text direction, aligning via a specific character (such as a decimal), and justify-all, which forces the last line of text to be justified. If you've worked with any sort of text editor before, these options will be strikingly familiar. The purpose of text-align is to align text horizontally.

Vertical align seems to be its simple counterpoint, but can be deceptive due to its complex rules and is an early stumbling block for many. Text align is a very simple property, often the first to be learned by beginners. Today's tutorial is about two properties: text-align and vertical-align.
This is the beginning of a long journey to learn how to get things to finally, finally align properly on our webpages.